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What's up? Oh just this stuff...

I disappeared again. Sorry to keep doing that, but I get busy and then realize I have a website I'm supposed to be updating with what I'm doing at all times like when we were kids and had to tell our moms where we were every second of the day. ANYWAY, here's what's been happening


Once again, I was asked to be a judge for Movies4Movies, but this time for the summer edition! It's always cool to see what young filmmakers (and older ones too) are working on in the indie world. Check out the summer selections here.


  • I've been continuing to write a lot for my regular online publications (to read my stuff, go to the Writing page of my website). That keeps my brain and fingers busy.

  • I started my own weekly Tiny Letter called I Wrote a Thing. You can sign up to receive a weekly email from me on whatever topic I'm pondering that week from life and love to art, ice cream, movies, and more. Oh and I recommend stuff to watch and listen to, so go ahead and subscribe, why don't ya?

  • I've also started work on a screenplay for what I"m planning to be a feature-length dramedy. I promise not to be one of THOSE people who sits in Starbucks for hours taking up precious seats hunched over a laptop and a single coffee "working on a screenplay." I prefer walking around Central Park muttering to myself like a crazy woman and occasionally jotting things down in a notebook.


I recently performed one of my satirical comedy pieces as part of the Very First Belladonna Variety Hour at the PIT Loft on West 29th St in New York. It was my first time performing one of my own pieces of writing AND in a comedy setting. I had a blast, and I'm so thankful to be part of a network of funny women via The Belladonna. Looking forward to doing more comedy like this in the future. ;)

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