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"No Milk" short

Last Friday, I wound up running down to Brooklyn after work to shoot a quick dialogue-free film short entitled, "No Milk," for a friend's grad school film production class assignment. It was a lot of fun working with Mark, Kevin (who directed), Julien, and Paul for an hour or two, and the finished project turned out silly. Mark and I both write for Culture Sonar and love shooting the breeze on Facebook Chat when we both should be writing articles or our respective screenplays. He also teaches improv at the Barrow Group here in New York, and because I'm a nice person, you can read more about him on his website right here.

The premise: a young woman returns home from work after a long day with a bag of groceries only to be foiled getting into her apartment building by a series of obstacles including her lazy, stoner boyfriend.

Some stills from the shoot are below:

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